Friday, April 30, 2010

Elevating The Rest

It saddens me to acknowledge the fact that I was not trained to be the one who claps his hands when someone close to me does something worth praising. I literally do that whenever a stage performance catches my full attention or automatically when someone of authority ends his or her speech. But, it's never when a boyfriend excels in life. Any aspect of life. It's weird. I know I've done it with my ex-girlfriend Analyn, but that's mainly because she made it obvious every single time that it's my duty to do so as a boyfriend. So, technically, it would have been just as dishonest. What is it about the partners I've chosen and the one I'm with right now that makes me act like I'm always in competition with them? And, even if I really am, can I not recognize their accomplishments when they present themselves? I have to start practicing how to give praise to the people I love. I don't want to lose them just because I'm too selfish to see what they can offer. Hold on. Not just the people I love. I want to bring out the best in everyone. It sounds like a monumental task, but it's doable.

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