Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Selecting With Care

This year has already been an explosion of many opportunities for me, and it's only the last week of March. I know I have to be very careful of what I commit myself to since things are getting a little rougher for me on the financial side. I have to start making more than I have ever done so to keep up with the growing list of necessities in my life. I lost my car in an accident two weeks ago. I don't have enough of anything to buy a new one, so I will have to adjust to what I have right now. Thankful to Matt for absorbing some of the difficulties, but I know I should work doubly hard to make ends meet. I pray that I don't stay where I'm at by the end of the year. My choices in what activities I should be doing, what events I should be attending, which people I should be connecting with and which friends I should be reaching out to are to be selected with care. I can't afford to waste time when time's very precious for me right now. These opportunities keep on pouring in, but I can't catch all of them. For now, the selection process needs to be a little stricter.

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