Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Prioritizing My Passions

Taking a hiatus from the daily grind of a regular job does not allow one to lose track of whatever else is important in life. It gives an excuse to let go of a routine, but it shouldn't make one less focused. Passions are usually forever, so it's very easy to put them on the back burner. And, some people work on their passions in coordination with their usual lives. So, if their usual lives suddenly get strung out, these passions should remain prioritized and intact. That's one of my goals as I go through these hard days of trying to settle for a routine again. My passions have always been there with me. With or without anything to be busy with. So, I shouldn't sacrifice them that readily just because I'm having an indefinite period of vacation. That means I should continue reading books, planning stuff for our backyard, learning new dinner recipes and trying to speak a different language. That last one seems like a stretch since I can't claim it as a passion yet.

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