Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Delaying The Fun

Matt bought his long-awaited iPad 2 today. And, I think I was more excited about it than him. I was so excited that I even tried to delay the whole thing by telling him he should buy it after I go to the gym. That's my way of trying to contain myself because I know I wouldn't be able to stop playing with it once he gets it set up. This made me wonder about how I treat technology in general. When something is so innovative that it denies you of expressing your eagerness about it, you might be a little too hard on yourself. I know I was with this incident. I didn't want him to get it right away because of my preconceived notions of how I might react. I need to do a slight restructuring of my psyche when it comes to accepting progress to come into my life. This iPad 2 we can now play around with will not be the last of them to thrill us. With everyday being an opportunity to inch towards more complicated possibilities, I have to shake my emotions a bit. Maybe just embrace it when it happens. Stop worrying about my reactions. Fun is something I shouldn't delay. Ever.

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