Monday, April 20, 2020

Sheltering In Place

I never thought in my life I'd be living through a pandemic. It's supposed to be scary because the virus that's killing people has no antidote yet. And, that's why folks all over have been ordered to shelter in place. For someone like me, that's not scary at all because I'm most comfortable when I'm just at home and not battling the elements of the outside world on a daily basis. It feels like a new concept. It feels weird for the most part. You're restricted, but you're also in control since your home is your domain. You know how to operate your own. You're bound to say you got this. In reality though, the longer this order from the authorities stays, the sense that you're not the boss of your life is growing fast. I don't like having to stay in one place for a very long time. It's stressful. I hope this pandemic ends soon. I love being a homebody, but I need to be somewhere else every now and then.

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