Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Breaking The Cycle

Matt and I have had two really destructive fights this holiday weekend. I'm saying destructive because we've gone to that point during both encounters where we've sort of given up on one another. And, that always creates some irreparable damage in the way we handle our love. But, we've also come up with a solution. We understand better this time that we'll never be able to change each other. Also, we're just too stubborn to want to change for anything. So, the focus now is not to change each other or find the motivation to want to change for the other person. It's crucial that we end some bad communication methods we've been using as they feed the cycle. It's been pretty obvious before that we're comfortable with the cycle, but it doesn't lead us anywhere we really want to be as boyfriends. So, it's time to break it. Get something serious done soon. The cycle has to stop.

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