Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Making It Work

As much as I felt like a Wednesday earlier on a fuckin' Wednesday because of Matt being gone to work in the office for a big chunk of the day, I arranged today's schedule to include a ton of productive things. From folding my clothes to washing my car to meeting up with my friend Ronnie to walking Piper to the dog park to even paying all of my bills for this month, I'm set. But, I'm still sitting on my ass here past 2:00 pm. Something's terribly wrong with my motivation level. I know I can't keep doing this. Yesterday was pretty cool because Matt was with me all day as he normally works at home on Tuesdays. I need to keep convincing myself that Matt's physical presence is not a major factor to consider in how I should be motivated. Motivation should really come from within. I have to make this work. I'm getting up.

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