Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ending My Week

I end my week on a Sunday. It's more practical to end it on a day where I usually won't be doing anything. In case I don't finish a few items from my list, Sunday's always there to maybe absorb some of the time I should have spent doing those unfinished tasks from the week before. I didn't write anything in the last couple of days on here because I was occupied with some issues with Matt. These issues seem to haunt me when I least expect it. For now, everything looks resolved. I don't know. I can never really tell with him. I'm trying my very best not to worry about anything this holiday weekend. Maybe I should just post this as it is. Not add anything more. And, I'll just come back when the new week starts. Tomorrow's Labor Day. That means the new week starts on Tuesday. I'm going to force myself to relax. I'll be back this Tuesday.

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