Thursday, September 3, 2009

Killing Some Time

Generally, I'd say I used to be pretty bad with killing time when there's nothing important to do. I'd be online at some message board and basically go through every post from every thread. Even threads from years ago. And, there's really nothing interesting in any of the topics being discussed. It just felt right to stick my nose in for what people had to say about whatever. Two, five and even 10 hours would have passed, and I'd still find my right hand glued to the mouse of my computer. It's pathetic. These days, I have Facebook and other social networking web sites that are equipped with tons of cool applications that can eat up my days on end. Still pathetic. But, at least, I'm learning useful stuff when I play any of these. It exercises my brain. Plus, last night, I got back into knitting after attending a class I set up for my Brotherhood First group. Another way to kill time. Now, that's something offline. I'm moving up.

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